What is a Matrix Switcher and How Does It Work?

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When weƒ??re looking at using some innovative audiovisual solutions, it’s important to remember how useful matrix switchers are. Even the most basic AV project can benefit from this useful bit of kit that enables a user to transform their project from a basic presentation to an interactive display full of visual effects. But what is a matrix switcher, and how does it work?ƒ?? we hear you cry, donƒ??t worry, weƒ??re here to answer all your matrix switcher burning questions. So, whether youƒ??re a total AV nerd, or you can just about identify an HDMI cable, weƒ??re going to take you
through all things matrix switches so you have a better chance of optimizing your AV presentation solutions.

In this article, we discuss what a matrix switcher is, why we need them, where we can use them, how they operate and how you can choose the right matrix switcher for your project. Ready?

What is a Matrix Switcher?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, itƒ??s good practice to iron out some basics. A matrix switcher essentially processes analog or digital signals from multiple devices then distribute the content to one or multiple screens like a video wall for example.

Special brand matrix switches may give users the ability to generate effects with the ease of only handling one bit of kit, so if the sight of stacks of devices is enough to send a shiver down your spine, youƒ??re in luck! Without a signal switcher, users may not be able to generate super sophisticated presentations with optimized content as these devices help to handle large quantities of data, meaning you can benefit from the high-speed display. This is particularly useful for those of you in industries where the information distribution speed is of paramount importance.

Used in conjunction with other equipment like video processors or controllers, matrix switchers help users streamline their presentations and can transmit signals to individual monitors or video walls from one system without the fuss of fiddling with countless systems or miles of cables.

What Can We Use a Matrix Switcher For?

Whatƒ??s the best part of any AV system for you? We think it’s the fact that you can use them pretty much anywhere! Of course, there are so many other benefits, but it’s definitely up there for us. Essentially, you can use a matrix switcher in any setting that benefits from a display of any kind; or more simply, any area that can benefit from the centralized distribution of information. Here are some settings that could seriously benefit from a matrix switcher: 


Ever felt utterly bemused in a train station? Just us? In our defense, a sea of people makes for quite a confusing sight. But more specifically, transport settings are a hub of miscommunication due to the scattering of information across a station. Matrix switches used in conjunction with video walls can help users isolate necessary information and distribute information from one point. 


Lecture theaters are a prime example of a setting that could do with a boost of interactivity. Luckily for this setting, matrix switchers can help with that. These systems allow university lecturers to generate more engaging displays, harnessing effects like scaling, fading, and seamless switching; meaning that lecturers can transform from a snooze fest to an educational and exciting experience. 


Ever sat in a sports stadium and wondered how they can display live content with effects onto those huge screens? Well, systems like matrixes, controllers, and video walls all help to transform sporting and live events from an experience that only benefits the front row, to a unifying experience. 


Security in your home or business should be a priority, after all, your AV systems are valuable and need protecting. Matrixes can connect to all of your security cameras via a wireless network and controllers to display all content onto the video walls. This means you can have eyes on your entrances and exits at all times. Besides, who doesnƒ??t like to have their own personal mission control center?

How Does It Work? 

Matrix switchers essentially work by switching audio and visual signals, processing them, and then passing them onto the display technology. They act as an all-in-one for displaying content, as well as generating effects. Think of your matrix switcher as the brains behind your AV project, as it basically acts as the projectƒ??s central nervous system. 

Matrix switchers donƒ??t work alone, however; they work with controllers, processors, splitters, and the like to deliver the full presentation package and upgrade your viewing experience. 

Matrix switchers can transmit to a variety of displays, from large-scale video walls with tens of screens, all isolating different bits of information, to a collection of monitors in an office environment. 

How Can We Choose the Right Matrix Switcher?

The beauty of AV systems is that they are entirely customizable to your needs. Why is this significant to choosing the right matrix switcher? Well, itƒ??s critical because it’s the driving force behind your selection process. In other words, your project should define your technology choice, meaning you donƒ??t need to invest in expensive systems if you donƒ??t need to. Your matrix switcher selection is no different. 

Although weƒ??ve told you all the reasons why you should invest in a matrix switcher, if you donƒ??t feel like your project will benefit or require a matrix switcher, then you donƒ??t need to get your wallet out. Tailoring your systems selection process in this way can help you optimize your AV project and help you generate high-quality and engaging displays with the exact right equipment for your needs. 

When selecting your matrix, ensure you consider your own user capabilities. If youƒ??re a total tech wizard, good for you, but if youƒ??re only a mere mortal when it comes to the AV world, then itƒ??s probably wise to consider either getting some good lessons or only investing in the kit that you know you can use. This can significantly boost your matrix productivity and help you stay one step ahead of errors. . 

There you have it, your full guide to all things matrix switchers. Now, youƒ??re ready to produce a high-quality AV project with ease!

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