Find below some useful ideas to do with your preloved iPhone.

Mostly, everyone on the planet has an electronic device at home, especially gadgets, such as laptops, Macbooks, iPhones, and more. These devices are indispensable for our daily life either to work or to communicate, which makes our life extremely easy. But, did you ever think about how we contribute to e-waste (electronic waste) when purchasing new devices?
Technology evolves and improves rapidly, incentivizing us to buy new tech and get rid of our older, still perfectly working devices. This practice contributes to the growing e-waste problem.
However, we can still make an effort to change our purchase habits. For instance, consuming less and buying second-hand products. Also, when buying a new product, consider other types of business that have been incorporated in its company sustainability. Some great examples are the businesses that buy and sell used gadgets. Others focus on recycling, donations, and trade-in programs. In order to contribute to reducing e-waste, we will share a few ideas on what to do with your used gadgets such as iPhone 11: from trading in, to selling, or even donating.
4 Ideas To Help Reducing The Environmental Impact With Your Used Gadgets
iPhone 11 Trade-in Programs:
If you don’t know what to do with your old tech, you can check the trade-in programs of Apple, Best Buy, Amazon, or Walmart. These trade-in programs are created to give your preloved gadgets and to obtain credit for future purchases in a form-most of the time- of a gift card. All of these programs are very similar and have their differences too.
For instance, the Apple trade-in program only offers credit for iPhones, iPads, and Apple watches in mint condition. Depending on the platform you use, be it online or in-store, you get “paid” in a form of a gift card or a store credit.
To trade in your older gadget, you need to locate your model in the buyback database and answer questions about its condition to receive a trade-in estimate. It??s important to consider the age of the device and its overall condition to see how much you can get back for it. Amazon, Best Buy, and Apple Trade-in programs work very similar. And you will be provided a prepaid shipping label to send your older device in. If upon receiving your gizmo, they find that it is in much worse shape than you originally stated, your trade-in offer will be voided, and your gadget–recycled.
One of the best ideas for reducing the electronic waste footprint is to sell your used gadgets. You need to find a third-party service in order to sell your device. The reselling business has helped to reduce the environmental impact by purchasing used devices to clients and giving them a second chance to extend their use in the system. This is the case for many devices that are in good shape and work perfectly, but for whatever reason, are not in use. For instance, you have used an iPhone 11 in flawless condition, and you don’t know what to do with it. A great solution is the iPhone 11 trade-in for cash, not only do you help the environment by giving a second chance but you win money.
There are several sites where you can sell your used device but my recommendation is to go for Gadget Salvation. They have been in the business since 2008, ensuring a hassle-free, and secure selling experience for your preloved device. You can sell used gadgets such as laptops, iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and more, and get paid within 48 hours. Look no further, and iPhone 11 trade-in with Gadget Salvation!
Best deals to iPhone 11 trade-in for cash :
- An iPhone 11 with 256 G, AT&T carrier, in ??brand new? condition and ??fully functional?, Gadget Salvation pays you $405.
- An unlocked iPhone 11 with 168 GB, in ??flawless? condition and ??fully functional?, Gadget Salvation pays you $353.
- An iPhone 11 with 64 GB, Verizon carrier, in ??brand new? condition and ??fully functional?, Gadget Salvation pays you $302
Recycle Your Apple iPhone 11:
Another action to help down the environmental impact is to recycle your gadgets. Big retailers and brands have recycling programs in-store, online, and drop-off options for free. They accept smartphones, laptops, desktops for example. You can opt to recycle a device if it happens to be obsolete. Internal parts, metals, and more can be recycled to manufacture new products. This allows manufacturers to save energy and reduce mining volumes. But it also results in lowering the alarming levels of e-waste.
Check local directories to find a recycling center near you. Alternatively, here is the list of retailers and manufactures that have recycling programs in place:
- Apple Recycling Program
- Best-Buy Recycling Program
- Lenovo Recycling Program
- Dell Mail Back Recycling Program
- Samsung Recycling Direct
Donating your used iPhone or any other tech device is another good practice to reduce electronic waste. If you don’t need the trade-in funds for your iPhone 11, you can give your used gadget to charitable organizations. In most of the cases, organizations collect the devices that are damaged and refurbish them to give them a new life. If you have decided to go for this option, don’t forget to backup your personal information and restore it to factory settings.
Now that you have seen four ways to reduce the environmental effects of e-waste, which one would you go for? Remember, no matter which options on this article work best for you, it??s important to start taking small actions to prevent the destruction of the environment we live in.