You finally have the funds to acquire your next gaming device. The problem is you’re now uncertain which way to go. Do you invest in a computer regardless of its price tag and lack of portability? Or do you choose a laptop you can carry wherever you go? To help you decide which gaming device option is the best, we’ve gathered insights from gaming experts that review and sell electronics. Read on to check the two main choices for gaming devices available on the market today.
Option A: Customized Computer
Customizing your computer as a gaming device arguably offers the best value in all the choices for a machine solely intended for games. A custom PC built from materials you hand-picked yourself will guarantee you better performance and easier “upgradeability” over the years and several unit cycles. The downside to this option is the process itself, particularly for those who
are not skilled in building their own devices. For many, identifying which part fits in which port is a daunting task.
If you just want a machine that can help you win an average gaming match, a device between $500 and $600 is enough to do the job. However, if you want to outperform your rivals in a serious gaming match using a machine with high-quality resolution, the cost will significantly be higher. Also, the actual computer is not the only thing you need to think about. You also must consider which processors and graphic cards suit your game level.
The good thing is that you can easily find resources and tools offered to gamers who prefer to assemble their own gaming computer. Look for serious online gaming forums where you can post your budget and gaming preferences. Most of the time, the members of the discussion board will give you a list of the parts you’ll need to assemble your own device with their best price tags.
Option B: Gaming Laptop
If you don’t have the time, skill or inclination to customize your own computer, a good alternative is a gaming laptop. Apart from a mouse, all you need to enjoy a game is the laptop itself. This is also the best option if you’re always on the road. The gaming laptop may have a few problems with temperature especially when used for hours, but when it comes down to it, the device will still do the job. The downside to this option is that when compared with a fully-customized gaming computer, there is no way for you to reach the same level of power you can get with the latter.
Furthermore, battery issues may occur as you need to keep the device connected to an outlet several times a day. This means that while you may have a portable gaming device for a while, if you’re into some serious gaming, you need to be stationed near a power outlet all the time.
At the most primary level, the majority of the factors you need to consider boils down on how you plan to use your gaming device. If you’re aiming to be a serious game contender and intend to play daily, a customized computer is a better choice for you. Otherwise, a portable gaming device like a laptop will do.