The entire world is just crazy about gadgets, especially those the have built up so much hype that people actually camp out of the doors of stores that sell electronics once release dates are announced. Sadly , not all of these much-awaited gadgets have measured up to the expectations set to the public. A lot of times, it was all hype, but no delivery.
For this year, here are some of the gadgets that received so much hype before it was released, but only went on to dissappoint lot of consumers who fell for it.
Apple Watch
No doubt about it, the Apple Watch is cool and sleek. It looks great on any wrist, especially if you think about the expensive price tag that it had the first time it came out in the market. People have been waiting for this since last year, so there was definitely chaos the day it was released. And how are people finding it a few weeks after buying it?
Again the fact that it was super expensive was not a huge surprise. And yes, all the accesories that went whit it, such as various fashionable bands, were not exactly cheap either. But paying all that for something that has a one-day battery life and does not really have a wide range of apps that you can use with it was not really worth all that energy drained waiting for it.
HTC One M9
People actually hoped that this would finally be that moment that HTC suddenly comes up with a way to improve their cameras. After all, every single HTC release showed huge promise as far as its other functions are concerned. A lot of their smartphones have actually come quite close to what Samsung, Apple, and LG have to offer-expect for the camera part.
This is such a huge wonder, seeing that a lot of other companies that Samsung an Apple have slowly started catching up, improving the features that led to their failure in the past. Of course, the M9 is no exeption once again, and people are starting to wonder what one earth made them think that this would be different from previous dissapointments. In recent shootouts that compare image quality across a number of smartphones , even Huawei easily beat the M9 in so many aspects.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
When the S6 Edge was released, there was no doubt at all that it looked amazing. It was sleek , it was attractive, and it was definitely a great product to match against its expensive arch-enemy. The moment people stopped saying their ooohhs and aaahhs over it however, that’s where the series of dissappointments began.
The Edge screen was not exactly a plus, because it didn’t really add all that much value to phone. The battery life was also quite disappointing, not to mention the fact that for a phone so expensive, it did not even offer waterproofing.
So the next time you feel the hype coming on for a product expected to be released, maybe it’s better to wait until the product has officially been released and people have actually tried the product out. This could save you not only a lot of money, but a lot of heartbreak as well.