Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has confirmed that some of the most powerful games reach the Japanese Wii U in time for E3 in June. Iwata revealed that there are two games in the series The Legend of Zelda on the way (one is Zelda: The Wind Waker, the other a completely new version), along with Super Mario 3D, Mario Kart and other titles yet to be announced as one starred by Yoshi character. This catalog will boost reinforced the Wii U, which is over two million units worldwide since its launch in October.
Do other novelties presented by Nintendo? The availability of the Virtual Console for Wii U this spring, which will add new titles to the Nintendo eShop for Wii U. These include NES and Super NES, as well as Game Boy Advance games. The prices of the first will be the same as the Wii’s virtual console. If you purchased the Wii version, you can buy the Wii U version optimized for gaming for 0.99 € and 1.49 € for NES Super NES games.